Charity Classic Sponsor - $15,000
• A beautiful day of golf for two foursomes (including tee prize, lunch, reception, BBQ dinner for each golfer)
• VIP experience: Foursomes begin at the first hole, reserved lunch and dinner seating
• Prominent display of company name/logo on all tournament publicity
• Company logo on Chamber website
• Display company banner at registration, lunch and dinner
• Display table for your business at clubhouse or on the course
• Sponsorship signage at the 18th green
• Logo included in publicity, ads, news releases
• Business may provide promotional items in golfer's gift bags
• Enjoy a VIP Reserved Table at the BBQ + Bidding Dinner under the twinkling lights of the Country Club patio.
• Speak to the audience at the BBQ + Bidding event
Title Sponsor - $10,000
• Sponsorship of both the men’s and women’s longest-drive contests
• Sponsorship signage and presence at the longest drive (the 1st tee)
• A beautiful day of golf for two foursomes (including tee prize, lunch, reception, BBQ dinner for each golfer)
• Company name and/or logo on all web, digital and printed materials
• Company logo on Chamber web site prior to the tournament
• Name included in publicity, ads, news releases
• Business may provide promotional items in golfer's gift bags
• Opportunity to speak at the BBQ + Bidding Dinner under the twinkling lights of the Country Club patio.
Platinum Sponsor - $5,000
• Sponsorship of $5,000 putting contest (name on putting contest sign, presentation to winners)
• One foursome (including tee prize, lunch, reception, BBQ dinner for each golfer)
• Prominent display of company name and/or logo on all web and printed materials
• Company logo on Chamber web site for two+ months prior to the tournament
• Display space and table adjacent to the clubhouse patio where lunch and dinner are served
• Business may provide promotional items in golfer's gift bags
Cart Sponsor - $4,000
• One foursome (including tee prize, lunch, reception, BBQ dinner for each golfer)
• Prominent display of company name and/or logo on all web and printed materials
• Company logo on Chamber web site for two+ months prior to the tournament
• Display space and table adjacent to the clubhouse patio where lunch and dinner are served
• Business may provide promotional items in golfer's gift bags

Watering Hole Sponsor - $3,500
• Presence and signage at the Watering Hole (by clubhouse, between holes 9 & 10) or at Edna's
• A Foursome of golfers
• Company name and/or logo on all web, digital and printed materials
• Company logo on Chamber web site prior to the tournament
• Name included in publicity, ads, news releases
Cocktail Hour Sponsor - (one at $4,000 or two at $2,000 each)
• Recognition at the Cocktail Hour as the Cocktail Hour Sponsor with opportunity to address the audience
• Company name and/or logo on all web, digital and printed materials
• Name included in publicity, ads, news releases
• This is perceived to be a great sponsorship by all attendees as this sponsorship is for an open bar of selected wine, beer, and well drinks.
Silver Sponsor- $3,000
• One foursome (including tee prize, lunch, reception, BBQ dinner for each golfer)
• Company name and/or logo on all web, digital and printed materials
• Name included in publicity, ads, social media
• Sponsorship signage at one tee or green
• Presence on a tee if requested
Tee/Green Sponsors
• $400 - one sign
• $600 - two signs
• $800 - two tee signs plus presence at the tee